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Mayme Clayton Library will expand


The Mayme Clayton Library (MCL), located in Culver City, CA was  presented with a $250,000 federal grant by Congresswoman Diane E. Watson  to refurbish and expand the recently acquired facility.
Avery  Clayton, CEO and president of MCL accepted the funds for the library  which is renowned for its extensive collection of rare African American  books, literature, recordings, movies and other priceless documents.
Funding  for the Mayme Clayton Library is critical, said Rep Watson.  It  ensures that information documenting the rich history and experience of  blacks in America will be preserved.  Mayme Clayton, a renowned  librarian, worked her entire life to assemble a priceless collection of  historical artifacts before her death last year. I am pleased that Ms.  Claytons heroic efforts have not been in vain, said Watson, but will  rightfully serve as historical and intellectual nourishment for this  generation as well as future generations of Americans.

