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Los Angeles, CA — Students, teachers, all school personnel, and parents who want to anonymously tell the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) what they think about their individual schools, can do so through at least June 22.

The opportunity to give your opinion is being offered as part of the district’s efforts to produce its second annual School Accountability Report Card (SARC) which will be available in January 2010.

All students in grades three to 12 will be surveyed as well as all teachers, custodians, officer workers and other personnel. All parents of elementary level youngsters will also get the chance to take a survey.

About 50% of secondary parents will receive a survey by direct mail. Those parents not included in this sample, but who want to participate, can contact the School Report Card office at or call (213) 241-5600 to receive a unique code that will allow you go online to complete the survey.

Among the questions parents can expect are: Do you feel welcome at your child’s school? Is it easy to talk with your child’s teacher?

All responses will be kept confidential, said a district spokesperson, and once the surveying is complete, the results will be collated into summary data for each school.

Principals, union reps, school site advisory councils and other stakeholders are then expected to meet and review more detailed results, and to begin to figure out how to make any needed changes at their individual campuses.

