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SCE installs millionth smart meter


Southern California Edison (SCE) recently installed its one millionth smart meter at the home of Redondo Beach residents Liz and Scott Keran.

The utility began installation of smart meters in September 2009 as part of its Edison SmartConnect programs, and the company will install approximately five million smart meters for residential and small business customers by the end of 2012.

“Reaching the one million meter mark today is a milestone in the deployment of our smart meter program,” said Theodore F. Carver Jr., chairman, president, and CEO of Edison International during the installation ceremony Monday.

“After years of extensive research, we have  made careful decisions to invest in technologies, systems, and devices that provide a full range of customer benefits. We look forward to making available to all our customers the valuable features smart meters provide, enabling them to closely monitor and manage their electricity usage to help them save energy, money, and the environment.”

“Our region was green before green was cool, and I can think of no better place to install SCE’s one millionth smart meter than here in the 36th congressional district,” said Congresswoman Jane Harman (D-Venice). “Smart meters empower customers to make better choices about their energy usage. They can be catalysts in lowering electrical bills, reducing demand during peak hours, and preserving scarce resources. Kudos to Southern California Edison for this ambitious and innovative program.”

The Kerans expressed their support for the Edison SmartConnect program and look forward to the smart meter being an ally in their energy conservation practices. “We are strong advocates of improving the earth and its environment,” Liz said. “This is another step in the right direction.”

Her husband Scott agreed and saw the economic benefits, as well. “The smart meter will supply us with the information (on) how much energy we are using,” he commented.

Edison SmartConnect meters are digital, two-way communicating devices that replace traditional mechanical meters and provide a key step in transforming the electric system into a smart grid. Smart meters measure a customer’s electricity usage  up-to-the minute and, later this year, customers will be able to view their energy usage online to track how much they use and how much it costs.

