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Dorsey alum Sherlett Hendy-Newbill: dedication to her community

Dorsey alum Sherlett Hendy-Newbill (73448)
Dorsey alum Sherlett Hendy-Newbill

It seems as though Sherlett Hendy-Newbill was born to run for the LAUSD District 1 seat. Reared in the heart of District 1, she attended Dorsey High School and developed an everlasting love and respect for her community. After graduating from college and returning home, she became active in the community, coaching girls basketball at Dorsey and involving herself as a Lead Teacher in one of the school’s innovative small learning academies. Through this program, Newbill gained the experience necessary to develop scholastic curriculum and other programs that were designed to improve youth learning. Newbill also involved herself with teaching at the Thacher School for five years in a program known as Teach the Teachers. This program was designed to educate physical education instructors about better ways to teach physical education in school and how to encourage healthier lifestyles.

Newbill also has extensive experience working with the previous District 1 seatholder, the late Marguerite LaMotte. “I am looking to continue the work that Marguerite was doing, and I want to expand upon it,” Newbill said.

Reducing class size and providing better libraries for schools are priorities for Newbill. Some schools have been underfunded and are unable to make renovations to their libraries or update the books or services they provide, which limits students in their overall education. Bringing back programs such as arts and music classes, and improving counseling services in high schools is also a focus for Newbill.

“Focusing on expanding sports and extracurricular activities is definitely a focus of mine. It would be nice to get involved with organizations such as the Boys & Girls Club or YMCA to help provide services to the families in District 1. Hopefully through working with various family centers in the area, opportunities will open up to work with those organizations.”

Improving curriculum in schools is something that Newbill is passionate about. “We need curriculum that can engage the students through core assignments,” she said. Reformatting course curriculum can be an effective process that may lead to better understanding of the material.

When Newbill attended Dorsey High, she saw the potential that the school and the surrounding area had to be successful. Since her return, she has proven to be a motivated agent of change with the mission of improving the lives of the youth in her community.

“Getting students into college is a focus of mine. Providing them with improved college counseling services is definitely something I would like to work on.” Through her teaching experience, Newbill has developed curriculum for youth adults, and she is determined to give back to her community. She believes there are services that have not been utilized in the area, but funding has proven to be one of the main roadblocks that she must bypass.

Now a wife and mother of a one-year-old who will more than likely grow up in the District 1 area, Newbill is taking this campaign seriously. She understands that this is more than just a school board position; this is an opportunity to better her community and improve its educational system for years to come.

