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McCarthy urges free flow of citrus products to China


This week, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23), and Reps. Devin Nunes (CA-22), and Ken Calvert (CA-42) released the following statements after sending a letter to United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer encouraging him to ensure U.S. fresh citrus products are included in any agricultural product purchases made by China:

“China has historically been among the top five export destinations for California’s fresh citrus, a testament to our hardworking farmers and agricultural community. Unfair Chinese tariffs on our country’s fresh citrus, however, have unfortunately caused devastating implications on California fresh citrus producers who anticipate losses of more than 50 percent in exports to China and Hong Kong this upcoming shipping season. I want to commend President Trump – who has made our nation’s farmers a priority – on striking an initial trade deal with China and securing a commitment from the Chinese to purchase U.S. agricultural products.

“It is vital that fresh citrus, primarily grown in California, is included in any Chinese purchases of American agricultural products. This would not only help ensure that California fresh citrus retains a presence in China, but would also mitigate the negative impacts growers experience due to Chinese tariffs on American fresh citrus. I look forward to continuing to work with the President and Ambassador Lighthizer to curb China’s ongoing trade abuses, rescind unfair Chinese tariffs on American exports, and fight for continued access to China for California agricultural products,” said McCarthy.

“The initial trade deal with China is a big step toward ending Beijing’s unfair trade practices. I commend the administration for its hard work as Republicans fight to ensure that the citrus industry maintains access to the Chinese market, which is essential for the future of the citrus industry,” said Nunes.

“America’s citrus industry continues to be subjected to an effective Chinese tariff of approximately 75 percent. As a result, citrus producers, which are predominantly from California, are experiencing tremendous difficulty selling their products in one of their most significant export markets. The Trump Administration has made significant progress in its ongoing attempt to restore fairness in our trade relationship with China. Along with my colleagues, I strongly encourage Trade Representative Lighthizer to advocate for relief from these harmful tariffs on American citrus as

