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Fox’s Diamond and Silk say ‘no’ to Bloomberg, call him ‘fake and phony’


Fox News personalities Diamond and Silk, who are Black, slammed former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his apparent efforts to gain support among Black communities in his 2020 run for president. “For the life of me, I can’t understand why Michael Bloomberg jumped into the race,” Diamond said Fox Nation’s “Diamonds & Silk on Fox Nation’s “Diamond & Silk.” The Fox Nations hosts warned viewers against taking Bloomberg’s words to heart after he spoke at a predominantly Black mega church in Brooklyn, New York last weekend. Reversing his longstanding support of the “stop and frisk” policing strategy which he embraced as mayor, Bloomberg told a Brooklyn church that he “was wrong.” He said, “I apologize.” Despite Bloomberg’s efforts, Diamond and Silk cautioned viewers against accepting his apology. “He went on an apology tour, apologizing in the Black churches to Black people, and Black people sat there and listened to his foolery,” Diamond said on the Fox Nation show. “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything,” she continued, “and Bloomberg has already shown us he is nothing but a fake and a phony. He doesn’t have a backbone and he will fall at any time,” the duo agreed. After weeks of speculation, Bloomberg officially declared his candidacy earlier this week with a one-minute ad, which was posted on social media. Along with the video, Bloomberg posted a written statement on his campaign website in which he laid out why he was the best candidate to defeat President Trump next November. Jumping into the race just 10 weeks before primary voting begins, the former mayor proved he is not holding back, after he reportedly shelled out $100 million in anti-Trump online ads that target the president through the primaries in key general election battleground states. This week, reports circulated that the former three-term New York City mayor is spending an additional eye-popping $31 million on an ad buy in TV markets across the country.

