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Senior recovers from dog attack

Recovery is moving along for South LA resident Jimmy Lindsey, who was attacked by a neighbor’s two dogs


Update on Lindsey family

By Lisa Fitch | OW Editor-in-Chief

Recovery is moving along for South LA resident Jimmy Lindsey, who was attacked by a neighbor’s two dogs (OW, Dec. 16). Still, many are astonished that the 86-year-old is still among the living.

“One day my mother sat on the porch, although she’s wary about that,” said Lindsey’s daughter Belynda. “A fire truck was driving by and a firefighter got out to see her. ‘I came to see about the gentleman,’ he told her. ‘I was the first one there on the scene,’ he said.

“He was surprised to see my father was at home, sitting up in the living room,” Belynda added. “‘I didn’t know if you would make it.’ he said.”

“They chatted a while,” she said. “My father was so encouraged.”

Before the incident, the elder Lindsey would mow his own lawn and those of others in the neighborhood, according to his daughter. He would wash his car, take care of neighbors and enjoyed being outdoors.

“My father was active,” she said. “He needed no assistance.” Belynda credits this active lifestyle in helping his recovery process.

Many of Linsey’s neighbors, family and friends have expressed their astonishment that Animal Control did not immediately take the dogs after the unprovoked, front-yard attack.

“When the fire dept. arrived, the dogs were still on my father, mauling my father,” Belynda said. “They came out with axes and picks. One dog went north and the other south. At some point, one of the dogs returned home.”

The dogs belonged to a neighbor, but when Animal Control approached the owner, told him about the incident and how they needed to take the dog, the owner told them that they needed a court order.

“Who would know that?” Belynda asked. “Who would know to say those words? This must have happened before.”

Animal Control represenatives acknowledged the owner’s demand for a court order and left.

“I do have a desire to learn more about the policies,” Belinda said. “I’m still baffled about this… their lack of action.”

Animal Control later picked up one of the dogs, which is now in custody. The owner said the other dog ran away. A hearing was held on Feb. 7 and within 30 days a decisionmaker will determine whether the owner can keep the dog; keep it, but restrain it; or give up dog ownership altogether.

“He don’t need to own goldfish,” Belynda said. “Right now we are waiting.”

Belynda is acting as caregiver for her parents, both of whom used to enjoy sitting on their front porch, delighting in their neighborhood. Now they are planning to fence in their front yard.

“This was a horrific, traumatic thing,” Belynda said, noting that her formerly active father had to lie on his back for three weeks and her mother was going through her own set of emotions.

Nevertheless, she is thankful that she was recently able to accompany her extended family and push her father’s wheelchair during Sunday church services.

“I am grateful to witness God’s work through my father,” she said.

