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Third busload of migrants arrives in Los Angeles


Thirty-five persons dropped off at Union Station

A third busload of migrants arrived in Los Angeles late last week. The 35 persons were sent from Texas to Union Station. The first two migrant buses arrived on June 14th and July 1st. The plan put in place is a resource looking to provide new possibilities, new freedom, and one of the world’s most economically advanced and popular destinations; Los Angeles, California.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass’ office confirmed the dropoff.  “One bus from Texas arrived today around 12:40 p.m. today,” Zach Seidl, spokesman for Bass, said in a statement. “The city has continued to work with city departments, the county, and a coalition of nonprofit organizations, in addition to our faith partners, to execute a plan set in place earlier this year.”

Volunteers working with L.A. Collectives greeted migrant passengers at Union Station and they were met by paramedics from the Los Angeles Fire Department. Migrants were taken via. DASH bus to St. Anthony’s Croatian Catholic Church, while the Welcome Collective hosted a triage center for passengers reuniting with daily and access social services. In addition to triage services, the church offered legal services and food.

However, more solutions are yet to be found to the migrant problem as well as illegal immigration. The series launched by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott was successful in reuniting migrant passengers with family members escaping harm, unfortunate circumstances, and violence. Governor Abbott remarked, “Texas small border towns remain overwhelmed and overrun by the thousands of people illegally crossing into Texas from Mexico because of President Biden’s refusal to secure the border.”

L.A. Collectives is a network of immigrant rights, immigration legal service providers, and faith organizations. Also, L.A. Collectives is an organization that focuses services on the city and county.

“Based on our experience serving vulnerable migrant populations, we expect the families arriving in Los Angeles to need legal services urgently. Asylum seekers and others fleeing harm and violent circumstances have rights under U.S. immigration law, but they have to present their cases in court. They deserve our compassion, respect, and support,” said Kimberly Plitnik, program director for Esperanza Immigration Rights Project, who is a member of the L.A. Welcomes Collective.

