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Lancaster offers assistance for new organics recycling


State-mandated policy

The City of Lancaster is taking necessary steps to comply with the State of California's Senate Bill 1383, which mandates organics recycling with a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable waste management practices. This legislation is applicable statewide, and Lancaster is dedicated to assisting its residents in making a smooth transition to the new recycling requirements.

Beginning in January 2024, the State of California will begin auditing whether residents are complying with the new policies and will issue citations based on non-compliance. In order to help residents prepare, the City will be conducting soft audits this fall and winter and communicating with residents and businesses who need to take further action to comply with SB 1383 requirements.

Understanding the proper sorting of waste materials is essential for the success of this program. The City and Waste Management have informational resources available. Here's a brief guide to assist residents in sorting their waste effectively:

Gray cart (Old) or Dark Gray cart with Green lid (New)(Organic waste):

•  Food Scraps: Fruit and vegetable peels, eggshells, coffee grounds, tea bags, meat, bones, dairy, etc

•  Yard Trimmings: Grass clippings, leaves, branches, and plant trimmings

•  Food-Soiled Paper: Used paper plates, napkins, pizza boxes (without grease), etc

•  Please place organics material directly into organics cart – to reduce odor, put food waste in a paper bag (no plastic or compostable bags)

Green cart (Old) or Dark Gray cart with Blue lid (New)(Recyclable waste):

•  Paper: Newspapers, cardboard, magazines, office paper, and cardboard boxes (flattened)

•  Plastic: Plastic bottles, containers, lids, and cups (numbered 1-7)

•  Metal: Aluminum cans, steel cans

•  Glass: Glass bottles and jars (without lids)

•  No plastic bags, please place recyclables loosely in cart

Blue cart (Old) or Dark Gray cart with Black lid(Landfill waste):

•  Non-Recyclable Plastics: Styrofoam, plastic wrap, and non-recyclable plastic items

•  Hazardous Waste: Batteries, chemicals, and electronic waste (e-waste)

•  Non-Compostable and Non-Recyclable Materials: Rubber, diapers, and pet waste

Lancaster is committed to supporting our residents throughout this transition. We understand that adapting to new recycling requirements can be challenging, but rest assured, we are here to help. Our City provides a range of resources and educational materials to guide residents in making informed choices and adopting sustainable waste practices.

For any questions or assistance, residents can reach our local WM (formerly Waste Management) office at 1205 West City Ranch Road, Palmdale, CA 93551,or visit

