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Garcia co-sponsors legislation to charge fentanyl dealers


‘Alexandria’s Law’

Rep. Mike Garcia (CA-27) cosponsored H.R. 6671, Alexandra’s Law, which would significantly increase penalties for drug dealers of lethal fentanyl. This legislation would require convicted fentanyl dealers to sign a sworn statement acknowledging that fentanyl is fatal and they could face murder charges if they deal again and it results in a death. The bill would also make that sworn statement admissible as evidence in both state and federal court.

“Last year, there were over 80 fentanyl-related deaths in the Santa Clarita, Lancaster, and Palmdale areas – the most in all of LA County,” Garcia said. “And every year, the flow of fentanyl through our southern border kills more than 100,000 Americans nationwide. This national suffering must be put to an end, and I’m committed to doing everything in my power to fight this epidemic. That fight starts with giving our law enforcement and prosecutors the necessary tools to hold fentanyl dealers accountable, and that’s precisely what this legislation works to do. We have a long road ahead, but I’m proud to play a part in this crucial step in the right direction.”

Alexandra’s Law is named for Alexandra Capelouto of Temecula, who tragically died in 2019 at the age of 20 from fentanyl poisoning.

The legislation was introduced by Representative Darrell Issa (CA-48) and co-sponsored by Representatives Ken Calvert (CA-41), Kevin Kiley (CA-03), Jay Obernolte (CA-23), and Doug LaMalfa (CA-01).

