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County grant may help track prohibited guns


Those in violation of ‘firearm relinquishment order’

County authorities have announced a grant designed to help investigators in Los Angeles County track those who are in violation of a “firearm relinquishment order” that is part of a domestic violence restraining order issued by a court.

Information on the amount of the grant was not immediately available. Partners in the grant include the Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, the Superior Court of California, and Los Angeles County.

The key highlight of the grant initiative is the implementation of a portal designed to facilitate seamless collaboration among agencies, providing a centralized platform for timely information exchange.

“Once the court has determined an individual is in violation of a firearm relinquishment order as part of their restraining order, law enforcement will be automatically notified and begin an investigation,” the LAPD said. “Swift and decisive action will be taken to confirm the prompt surrender of firearms, reducing the potential for violence, and enhancing overall community safety.”

The portal is expected to launch in January of 2025.

“The grant will provide funding for the department to create a task force to investigate firearms relinquishment violations sent manually by the court,” the LAPD said.

“With funding provided by this grant awarded by the Judicial Council of California, the court is working to build technology infrastructure so that violations of court orders to relinquish firearms in domestic violence restraining order cases are timely and efficiently communicated between the court and law enforcement,” Superior Court of Los Angeles County Presiding Judge Samantha P. Jessner said in a statement.

According to a 2019 analysis by Everytown Research, nearly two-thirds of intimate partner homicides in the United States are committed with a firearm. Also, a study published in the American Journal of Public Health indicates that the risk of homicide for women in abusive relationships is at least five times higher if the abuser has access to a firearm.

“As law enforcement leaders, we recognize the significance of receiving the Firearms Relinquishment Grant,” Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna said in a statement. “I firmly believe that obtaining the Firearms Relinquishment Grant is a crucial step towards enhancing public safety. Centralizing the portal will expedite the exchange of information once the court has granted a domestic violence restraining order.

“Collaborating with LAPD and Superior Courts, this grant enables us to forge a united front in addressing domestic violence and supporting the victims. Together, we can enhance public safety, promote responsible gun ownership, and build a stronger, more secure community for all,” Luna said.

