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Connecting Compton at LA County Fair


Bringing awareness to equestrian sport

The LA County Fair is taking place in Pomona between May 3 and May 27. In addition to concerts, delicious food, and a petting zoo, Connecting Compton is bringing fairgoers a dose of horseplay. The non-profit organization is delighted to be a part of the county fair and exhibit the equestrian lifestyle that exists within the city of Compton. Families can immerse themselves in horse-riding etiquette, take roping lessons, learn the benefits of equine therapy for children and adults with disabilities, and view horse-riding performances. 

Connecting Compton will have a booth set up where families can learn about the connecting cultures exhibit offering history on vaqueros and charrerias. This event seeks to merge Mexican and American culture. Connecting Compton co-founders include, Hector Gomez, Executive Director and Co-Founder and Executive Director, Daniel Zepeda. Zepeda says, "The LA County Fair has given us the opportunity to show what we're trying to create which is an equestrian center that will preserve our culture and traditions that exist in Compton."

Additionally, there will be an escaramuza, a female-only choreographed and synchronized equestrian event. Lessons and information will be available at the fair, special horse-riding events will be at 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. on May 25 and May 26.

Connecting Compton was founded in 2019, to bring awareness to equestrian lifestyle and preserve it through their work within the community. The organization has offered youth programs aimed at supporting young individuals in their development. Currently, their goal is to build an equestrian center and eventually, an arena that can host rodeos and seat up to 5,000 people. 

To date, the organization has assisted over 60 students since its origin. Connecting Compton also offers a summer ranch camp program for a month, the month consists of eight sessions twice a week. The camp is designed for children aged 10-17. The camp consists of two groups of ten students and teaches them how to interact with chickens, milk goats, ride the horses, take care of the horses, and horseshoes.  Connecting Compton is a non-profit organization that focuses on highlighting the positive benefits of equine and therapeutic horseback riding. 

For more information on Connecting Compton, visit Connecting Compton (

