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Confab for college-bound students


June 15 at USC

Focused N.F.I.T. is holding a conference on June 15th from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at USC.

The conference is designed for college-bound high school juniors and seniors, parents and college freshmen and sophomores. The goal is to affect the mindset of today’s youth while providing tools for life choices, technology and financial literacy. There will be a variety of benefits for participants who attend the conference. Benefits will include a panel led by finance, technology, and leadership experts and a follow-up Q&A, financial literacy and technology literacy teams leading small group student workshops. 

Additionally there will be health and sexual responsibility teams leading small group student workshops with a focus on shocking the mindset and activating change. Lastly, there will be a specialized parent workshop led by financial and technology literacy teams.

Program participants will receive free meals throughout the day, an opportunity to receive 1 of 8 -$2,000.00 scholarships, backpacks, t-shirts, study material and workshops. In addition, program participants will receive a “salute” from a surprise celebrity guest and the campus will be easily accessible through public transportation. 

For more information, email or visit 

